Established in 2011, Elite Business Strategies, LLC (EBS) is a woman-owned professional services consulting firm. With over a decade of experience, EBS has created and refined a management system and developed a proven approach to providing consulting services to complement their clients’ existing operations seamlessly. The EBS staff, comprised of former federal, state, and local government emergency managers, are uniquely positioned to provide all required levels of client support, including on-call availability. Their philosophy is to offer a high-quality, well-trained, consistent team of military, federal, state, and local program professionals. Some of the services that Elite Business Strategies offers includes:
- Executive-level consulting
- Preparedness, planning, training, and exercise (PTE) services
- Program and project management support
- Grant management staffing and support.
- Products and equipment
Learn more about Elite Business Strategies here. Have questions? Contact Princess Ousley and Necole Holton.
Elite Business Strategies, LLC. EMAP Trained Consultants:
Nancy Freeman, Senior Project Coordinator,
Necole Holton-Jacob, Vice President of Program Development,