Emergency Management ATL Resources
Introductory Briefing Presentation. This PowerPoint presentation is completed by the Assessment Team Leader and assessment team members on Monday morning of the on-site assessment week.
Daily Briefing Chart. The daily briefing chart allows the Assessment Team Leader to track compliance of standards throughout the on-site assessment week.
Exit Briefing Presentation. This PowerPoint presentation is a companion document to the Exit Briefing Chart for Friday’s meeting with Program personnel.
Assessment Team Leader Evaluation Survey. The Assessment Team Leader completes this survey and submits it to the EMAP personnel at the completion of the on-site assessment for every member of the Assessment Team.
ATL Preliminary Assessment Report Style Guide. This document outlines formatting and content requirements for assessor findings for both sets of standards.
EMAP Draft Document Policy. This policy addresses both issues of draft documents and newly developed documents during the On-Site Assessment.
How To Utilize Google Docs During On-Site Assessments. EMAP has transitioned to Google Docs to manage findings during on-site and remote assessments. This webinar addresses the finding upload process, the use of Google Docs by EMAP Assessors, Assessment Team Leaders, and EMAP Staff Liaisons, and the finding review process that will be implemented in coordination with the Assessment Team Leaders, the EMAP Staff Liaisons, and Report Reviewers.
Finding Review Guide. A guide to help EMAP Assessors and Assessment Team Leaders develop and finalize comprehensive findings. This guide is based on the 2019 Emergency Management Standard.
How To Write a Finding. Do you ever struggle to understand where to start during an on-site assessment? What do you look for? How do you use the Emergency Management Standard to determine compliance? What is the final product? This webinar will help you understand how to assess documentation using the Emergency Management Standard and write findings aligned with the Style Guide.
Virtual Assessment Overview. EMAP has temporarily transitioned to virtual assessments in response to COVID-19. This webinar addresses the virtual assessment timeline, expectations, best practices, and lessons learned.
Urban Search and Rescue ATL Resources
Introductory Briefing Presentation. This PowerPoint presentation is completed by the Assessment Team Leader and assessment team members on the first morning of the US&R Resource’s administrative on-site assessment.
Daily Briefing Chart. The daily briefing chart allows the Assessment Team Leader to track compliance of standards throughout the on-site assessment.
Exit Briefing Chart. This document template allows the Assessment Team Leader to record compliance on standards in preparation for the Exit Briefing with US&R Resource personnel.
Exit Briefing Presentation. This PowerPoint presentation is a companion document to the Exit Briefing Chart for Exit Briefing meeting on the last day of the on-site assessment with US&R Resource personnel.
US&R ATL Intro. Briefing talking points. This document template outlines talking points for the US&R ATL to use during the Introductory Briefing Presentation on the first day of the on-site assessment.